Frequently Asked Questions

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For such books and products, you can raise a request to our support center with complete name and specs of the product. InshaAllah we will try our best to accommodate you on priority basis.

Darussalamcanada.com is the first state-of-the-art online platform specifically made for Canada users. Where you can order your desired Islamic books, Islamic gadgets, Digital products, Veils, scarf, Ihram and other Hajj Umrah related items online for delivery at your door-step.

DarussalamPublishers.com is the only official International online store of Darussalam Publishers. You can place your order with 100% peace of mind to get 100% authentic and original items. There are many other reasons to use DarussalamPublishers.com i.e.:

  • It is accessible through your smart gadgets like laptop, PC, mobile and tablet etc anytime, anywhere.
  • You don’t need to visit the market to get yourself the books and other stuff – specially for ladies.
  • Easy to navigate user interface with smart search and many other latest features.

You may need to create a free account with your email address on DarussalamPublishers.com once to start shopping online.

Yes! You can cancel your order within twelve (12) hours of placing. Once this time may elapsed, then you can ask for refund, only.

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Yes it is compulsory to Sign up before placing an order because certain services and related features that may be made available on the Site may require registration or subscription. To register or subscribe for any such services or related features, you agree to provide accurate and current information about yourself, and to promptly update such information if there are any changes. Every user of the Site is solely responsible for keeping passwords and other account identifiers safe and secure. The account owner is entirely responsible for all activities that occur under such password or account. Furthermore, you must notify us of any unauthorized use of your password or account. The Site shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, in any way for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of, or in connection with, your failure to comply with this section.

Please note that there are cases when an order cannot be processed for various reasons. The Site reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order for any reason at any given time. You may be asked to provide additional verifications or information, including but not limited to phone number and address, before we accept the order.

Yes for sure, we have integrated state of the art secure transaction procedure. And have also made it sure that your personal information may not leak out from any database.