Product Tag - Ahadith

  • Who is Allah? His Names and Attributes and Their Significance to the Individual

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    Who is Allah? by Sakina Hirschfelder is a comprehensive authentic Islamic book which covers belief in Allah and His names and attributes and relates this knowledge to everyday life. Focusing individually on over 100 of Allah’s revealed names and attributes, this must-read Islamic book about Allah is highly recommended for those who want to foster a strong relationship with their Creator.

  • Sahih Al-Bukhari (9 Vol. Set)

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    Sahih Al Bukhari is most authentic and complete 9 Volumes Set hadith book. Sahih Al Bukhari is most well-known book translated into the English language.

  • Summarized Sahih Muslim : 2 Volume Set

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  • 40 Hadiths Relating to Islamic Finance

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    A comprehensive guide that every Muslim should possess, 40 Hadiths Relating to Islamic Finance by AbdulShaheed Drew untangles some of the intricacies of finance and economics, bringing forth a Sharia-compliant solution to earning and using wealth. This collection presents authentic hadiths and clear explanations, showing how they relate to contemporary circumstances. Read and study it to be empowered with general knowledge relating to wealth in Islam, so that you can earn and spend your money the halal way.

  • Fiqh al-Haya’: the Islamic Concept of Modesty

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    What is the Islamic understanding of modesty? How do Muslims view modesty? The Arabic term haya’, often translated simply as shyness, has a meaning that transcends modesty or shame; it is more than simply dignity or pride. A trademark quality of our religion, haya’ encapsulates the very spirit of Islam. It is a means for all human beings to become acquainted with themselves and their Lord, allowing them to join the highest ranks of humanity. Fiqh-ul-Haya’ is an in-depth study into the various categories of haya’, providing examples of those who exemplified it, and warns of the consequences for those who reject it.

  • Forty Hadiths on Leadership and Governance

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    Forty Hadiths on Leadership and Governance brings forth the stark realities of the leadership crisis in the present era in the light of authentic hadiths. This invaluable piece of work teaches the readers – in the light of authentic hadiths – what a true Muslim leader is like. It can also be every leader’s guidebook illumining the path through examples from the lives of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and teaching how Muslims can regain their past glory by holding on to the rope of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him).

  • Forty Hadiths on Poisonous Social Habits

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    n this unique collection of Forty Hadiths on Poisonous Social Habits, Yahya M. A. Ondigo (Yahya Ondigo) emulates the tradition of Imam an-Nawawi (Imam Nawawi) and other great scholars. He has compiled forty (40) hadiths on social ills and habits. This well-researched and thoroughly-documented authentic Islamic book discusses lying, greed, corruption, smoking, gambling, and other habits along with their social implications. In this collection of 40 hadiths, the author has also offered wise and insightful advice to get rid of specific social habits.

  • Women around the Messenger

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    We have all heard about the famous men around the Prophet (SAW), but what about the women? From the very beginning, women entering the fold of Islam played an enviable prominent role, side by side with the male Muslims. The life sketches of these women show that the early female believers still serve as outstanding models for all Muslim women, calling for the revival of the valued and important position of women in Islamic society once again.

  • Psychology from the Islamic Perspective

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    What does Islam say about human psychology and mental health? Believe it or not, Islam offers a precise, uncomplicated, and comprehensive theory of our spiritual nature, our purpose and priorities in life, and how we can attain serenity and happiness in this life and the next. In Psychology from the Islamic Perspective, Dr. Aisha Utz Hamdan includes specific references to scientific research that corresponds to, or builds upon, what is already known from revelation.

  • Al Lulu Wal Marjaan

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  • jamia Tirmazi Complete 2 Vol جامع ترمذی

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  • Sahih Bukhari (3 vol ) صحیح بخاری(مترجم مع تخریج3 جلد عام) Maktaba Islamia

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