Translation of the Holy Quran (Urdu Translation in Columns) 8S

Translation of the Holy Quran (Urdu Translation in Columns) 8S


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Our Quran, the 8S has been designed to keep our customer’s comfort, convenience and affordability in mind. With attention to detail with its bold-sized fonts of Arabic along with its Urdu Translation it is easier for our customers to read with the feature of its Column format. The benefit of the translation is that it ensures our readers do not look for commentaries to obtain an easy explanation of Quranic verses, making it self-explanatory for our readers.

Author:  Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi

Publisher: Idara Tarjuman ul Quran
Color: Single
Dimensions: 7.25 x 9.75
Pages: 1032
Font Size Arabic: 18
Font Size Translation: 14.5



Additional information

Weight 2.00 kg
Dimensions 25 × 18 cm


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